1200 x 300 Gradient - 80% Transparency

Trends in Licensing and Marketing support

Licensing is a primary route for universities to create economic value and societal impact from inventions arising from their research bases. Identifying potential partners, engaging those partners, and negotiating win/win license deals remains a challenge for many technology transfer offices.

These challenges have become more acute because many offices are struggling to recruit or retain licensing executives with deal-making experience. This is particularly problematic in smaller offices.

We invite you to join us for a webinar on July 20th at 10 am Central time that explores how universities are approaching these parallel challenges. Rupert Osborn, Wellspring’s European innovation services lead, will discuss when and why teams are choosing to use external expertise and staff augmentation strategies to complement their own in-house capabilities.

We’ll also show you how to optimize the use of your team’s resources and tools such as Flintbox and Scout’s AI-powered innovation search and analysis platform for key activities including:

  • Marketing technologies
  • Identifying and contacting potential partners
  • Valuing knowledge assets
  • Negotiating and inking license deals