Technology advances rapidly. Every half hour 720 patents are filed, 150 research articles are published, and 70 new start-ups are founded. For companies, finding and acquiring just one breakthrough technology can lead to revolutionary products. For researchers, licensing discoveries can fund new studies and propel science forward. Yet few organizations systematically manage technology collaborations.
Ideas, Expertise, and Intellectual Property are the building blocks of innovative products and services.
Companies source these knowledge assets From partners around the world in the same way that manufacturers source physical parts from suppliers.
Both the supply and demand. of knowledge assets depends on organizations improving collaboration, creating more effective partnerships, and communicating more efficiently.
Founded in 2003 as a spin-off of Carnegie Mellon University, Wellspring soon became the preeminent tech transfer solution provider for universities and research institutes. Wellspring later acquired Flintbox, the world’s largest online exchange of early-stage technologies.
As a natural extension of our involvement in open innovation, Wellspring developed purpose-built software for technology scouting, corporate venturing, sponsored research, and licensing. Today we are proud to count successful clients at leading companies, hospitals, government agencies, and universities.
in our clients’ systemsAGREEMENTS
on our clients’ systemsCOUNTRIES SERVED
in our clients’ systemsOur corporate values represent core principles at the heart of Wellspring. Each of our values is interdependent: no single value is sufficient on its own. We are each personally accountable for demonstrating these values in our actions, communications, and relationships.
Wellspring provides tools to manage knowledge and expertise; software is our medium. We invest time and energy in developing our functional expertise and a deep understanding of our clients’ businesses, opportunities, and challenges.
We are fearless, engaged, and resilient in our pursuits. We celebrate accomplishments, learn from failures, and deliver on commitments. We develop innovative products and services, and we strive to exceed all competitive alternatives.
Collaboration is rooted in thoughtful respect and appreciation for the goals, challenges, and perspectives of our clients, our partners, and our fellow Wellspringers. We embrace conflict and creative tension in the spirit of respectfully challenging conventional assumptions.
We are open and candid because we embody the spirit of collaborative innovation. We share information and provide thoughtful feedback to one another.