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reviewing the cases for and against

For decades, the Stage Gate process has been a staple of R&D organizations. Yet at Wellspring we’ve seen an uptick in organizations having second thoughts. Should we still use them? When do stage gates work well? When are they a poor fit? Are there other methods worth considering?

In this webinar, Chris Townsend, Wellspring’s CMO, discusses the role of the Stage Gate method in modern R&D organizations, including:

  • Definitions. What does “Stage Gate” really mean? Are we even on the same page?
  • Strategy. Which method(s) are the best fit for your innovation mission?
  • Productivity. Which method(s) enable your team to do their best work?
  • Metrics. Which method(s) allow you to best define and measure success?
  • Adoption. Which method(s) will executives accept? Which will your team prefer?