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Strategic Portfolio Management

It’s the tyranny of the familiar. At company after company, too many innovation projects default to the familiar territory of Horizon 1 bets. Even if the CEO sets ambitious growth goals, R&D and innovation teams end up playing it safe. No one wants to admit it’s a problem, yet it imperils the success of countless corporate innovation efforts.

The root cause is simple: incomplete information. It may appear that the innovation committee is making “data-driven” decisions. But too often, project teams marshal evidence on a selective basis based on their comfort level. Critical investment decisions end up being slanted toward the project team’s biases and executives’ personal intuitions.

We’ve seen many companies overcome these issues – with the right systems and processes. In this Product Tour webinar, we show how to use enterprise software for truly data-driven decision making across the innovation portfolio. Drawing on real-world client experience spanning decades, we will demonstrate how you can:

  • Connect innovation strategy explicitly to your executive decision-making process at key go/no-go milestones
  • Make sure each decision gate is populated with all necessary and sufficient information before it comes to the committee
  • Instill process discipline on innovation project teams to enter all relevant information every time (rather than selectively)
  • Compare global investment decisions based on strategic fit with the overall portfolio’s business objectives/li>