Sophia User Group Meeting 2014: Let’s Do This Again

August 19, 2014

Wellspring is a pretty entertaining place to work. With all of the passiUser group 2onate people here, focusing on exciting projects, it’s hard for me to nail down my favorite thing about what we do.

I can, however, easily nail down two of my favorite days at Wellspring and they were August 14th and 15th of 2013.

Why is that, you ask? Because that was our first ever Sophia User Group Meeting.

Going into the meeting, we here at Wellspring didn’t know quite what to expect. It was our first event of this type or size, welcoming Sophia users from all over the world to our Chicago headquarters for a few days of discussions, trainings, and just a general opportunity to connect with other researchers who have come to understand the value of Open Innovation and managing their Knowledge Supply Chain.

The enthusiasm and passion for innovative research and development was inspiring. We thought the event was some of the best couple of days we’ve had as a company, which is why we’re excited to announce that we’re doing it again.

You may have seen the link on our page, andif you haven’t, we encourage you to check it out and consider joining us for this year’s event.

It’s going to be bigger and even better than last year, which, if you were here last year, sounds extremely difficult to do. We’ve made arrangements to hold the event and Chicago’s East Bank Club and have blocked hotel rooms for the event. And definitely don’t forget about the many opportunities to enjoy the Windy City while you’re here.

What topics will we be going over? In short, we’ll be discussing everything that would be of interest to you, the Sophia user, with topics ranging from:

  • Sophia Venture Management
  • Practice with queries
  • Corporate Tech Scouting
  • Finance and Financial Reports
  • Effectively leverage services
  • Open Innovation

There will be much more than that, and I don’t think even we know everything that will be covered just yet.

I do know, however, that we’re excited about our second meeting and would love to have you join us.  I hope to see you there.



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